Remedial – Sport Massage

What is a Remedial Massage

If you have particular muscle tension or chronic pain a remedial massage may be for you. Your remedial massage therapist will assess where you need treatment and what may be causing your pain. They’ll perform some tests to see exactly which muscles are giving you trouble and will tailor a treatment plan to suit. The treatment itself may involve deep tissue work for short periods of time, but the results are definitely worth it!

Many conditions such as sciatica, carpal tunnel syndrome, neck pain, headaches and sports injuries etc. can be eased with a remedial treatment.

Remedial massage is based on soft tissues (muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia) responding to touch. Most pain is myofascial (soft tissue) in origin. Muscles not only move our joints, but they also stabilise them, and they provide armour for the internal organs, minor problems with these functions cause more pain than most people realise. For example, most headaches originate in the muscles of the neck and head. Low back and sciatic pain are far more likely to develop in muscles than in vertebral disc problems.

Although many clients who consult a remedial massage therapist have pain as a result of specific injuries (whiplash, falls, sports injuries, etc.), RSI (repetitive strain injuries) and other work-related problems, many originate from postural (structural) alignment problems that sometimes go back to childhood and adolescence.

Remedial massage therapists have usually undertaken additional training, which usually includes more in-depth study and qualifications in anatomy and physiology. This extra knowledge and understanding will enable the massage therapist to carry out an assessment and provide appropriate treatment for a wide variety of conditions

Treatment employs massage and manipulation of muscle and connective tissue, not dissimilar to those used in sports massage and will involve

  • Deep tissue massage
  • Mobilisation and manipulation.
  • Postural assessments
  • Muscle balance checks
  • Neuromuscular and trigger point techniques
  • Visualisation techniques
  • Utilising Hot & Cold Stone therapy